

SpreaD3 (Spatial Phylogenetics Reconstruction of Evolutionary Dynamics using Data-Driven Documents (D3)) is a major update to SPREAD and constitutes a package for analysis and visualisation of pathogen pylodynamic reconstructions.


You can download SpreaD3 from here: https://rega.kuleuven.be/cev/ecv/software/SpreaD3

Using SpreaD3

A tutorial on how to use SpreaD3 is available here: https://rega.kuleuven.be/cev/ecv/software/SpreaD3_tutorial

Citing SpreaD3

Bielejec, F., Baele, G., Vrancken, B., Suchard, M. A., Rambaut, A., Lemey, P. SpreaD3: interactive visualisation of spatiotemporal history and trait evolutionary processes. Mol. Biol. Evol., 2016, 33(8): 2167-2169.
