Downloading BEAST
BEAST can be downloaded from the following link:
This will download a compressed tar archive (a ‘.tgz’ file).
Installing using Conda
The simplest option for installing BEAST is to use the anaconda
package and environment manager. We recommend installing the minimal version, miniconda
Once installed you can create an environment for running BEAST:
conda create -n beast
activate it:
conda activate beast
and then install BEAST from the bioconda
conda install beast -c bioconda
finally test the installation:
beast -beagle_info
This will also work in the Mac OS X command line
Installing directly
Installing OpenJDK 8
Ubuntu-based linux operating systems have Open JDK installed as their default Java installation. To install Open JDK 8 (both JRE and JDK), you can run the following commands:
sudo apt-get install openjdk-8-jre
sudo apt-get install openjdk-8-jdk
Installing Oracle Java 8
If you’d like to use Oracle Java instead of Open JDK, you will require the PPA maintained by Webupd8 Team before proceeding with the installation:
sudo apt-add-repository ppa:webupd8team/java
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install oracle-java8-installer
Note: if the apt-add-repository command is not found, first install the following:
sudo apt-get install software-properties-common
The PPA also contains a package to automatically set Java environment variables, by simply running the following command:
sudo apt-get install oracle-java8-set-default
You can now edit the /etc/environment configuration file and add the following entries to set JAVA_HOME and JRE_HOME environment variables:
Installing BEAST
Downloading and running BEAST on Linux
Start by downloading and unpacking the compressed .tar.gz file:
tar -zxvf BEASTv10.5.0-beta5.tgz
You can now go to the /bin directory and run BEAUti and BEAST from this directory:
cd BEASTv10.5.0-beta5/bin
Adding the executables to the system path
To add the BEAUti and BEAST executables to the system’s path (to run from outside the /bin directory), you need to edit your system’s profile:
nano ~/.bash_profile
and add the path to the /bin directory:
export PATH=$PATH:$HOME/BEASTv10.5.0-beta5/bin/
To reload the changes to the profile immediately without logging out or restarting your computer, run the following:
source ~/.bash_profile
Verify your current system’s path settings by typing:
echo $PATH
Creating symbolic links in a directory of choice
ln -s Downloads/BEASTv10.5.0-beta5/bin/beauti beauti
ln -s Downloads/BEASTv10.5.0-beta5/bin/beast beast
Running BEAST from a jar file (with GUI)
Go to the /lib directory where you extracted the linux .tar.gz file:
cd BEASTv10.5.0-beta5/lib
java -jar beauti.jar
java -jar beast.jar
Running BEAUti and BEAST from a jar file (without GUI)
In that same /lib directory, provide command-line options for BEAST to run with:
java -jar beast.jar -seed 1234 example.xml