Programs distributed as part of the core BEAST package
BEAUti | Bayesian Evolutionary Analysis Utility. This program is used to import data, design the analysis, and generate the BEAST control file.
BEAST | Bayesian Evolutionary Analysis Sampling Trees. This is the main program that takes a control file generated by BEAUti and performs the analysis.
TreeAnnotator | This is a post-analysis program that will produce a summary tree from the output of BEAST.
LogCombiner | This is a utility program that will combine log files from different runs and reduce the sampling frequency (thin them).
These programs are distributed independently but are important part of the BEAST toolkit.
Tracer | This is a graphical program for exploring the output of BEAST, diagnosing problems, and summarizing the results.
FigTree | This is a graphical program for viewing trees, displaying summary information from TreeAnnotator and generating publication-ready figures.
These programs that will be useful for specific types of data and analysis.
SPREAD4 | A package for analysis and visualisation of pathogen pylodynamic reconstructions.
Tempest | This is a graphical program for looking for temporal signal in trees generated from tipdated sequences.
PiBUSS | This is a program for simulating sequence data under some of the same models implemented in BEAST.